Published: 08 June 2023
Legislative Council Committee A, Tuesday 6 June 2023
CHAIR - We’ll go to Mike first on that.
Mr GAFFNEY - Thanks. Thank you, minister. It was good to see that 97 temporary jobs were made permanent and meet post COVID 19 demand. What has been the impact of those 97 permanent jobs on Ambulance Services, and is it sufficient, or is there still more Ambulance Service, more ambulance needed, personnel needed for FTEs.
CHAIR - Before you answer the question, I might just get youto introduce your staff around the table.
Mr ROCKLIFF - Yes. We have our Chief Executive of Ambulance Tasmania, Mr Jordan Emery at the table. We welcomed Jordan to the role of Chief Executive, that's a recent appointment, and I pay tribute to his predecessor, Joe Acker, of course, and welcome Jordan not only to the role, but also to the table.
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