Legislative Council Committee A, Monday 5 June 2023
CHAIR - Who's paying then for the prescribed inquiry into the King Island shipping freight prices and related matters?
Mr FERGUSON - TasPorts are having to pay for that.
CHAIR - TasPorts will fund that, okay. I don't know if you can answer these. If you can't, I am happy to put in another way.
Mr FERGUSON - To be strictly correct, is TasPort's paying it, or is Bass Island Line paying it? Strictly speaking.
Ms CALVERT - TasPorts.
Mr FERGUSON - TasPorts itself.
CHAIR - Okay. Do you know through that process how OTER identified who the key stakeholders were? Do you have the other side of that?
Mr FERRALL - We can't talk about how the Regulator works.
Mr FERGUSON - I can't answer it for two reasons. First of all, I'm not aware. Secondly, I wouldn't possibly be allowed to be aware, given the independence that's attached to it. I am not sure if there's anything further?
Ms CALVERT - It's the same, you don't consult with us either. They are provided with terms of reference and -
CHAIR - Which are on the website. If a person wanted to know why they consulted with during this process, and how they identified key stakeholders, how could you find out?
Mr FERRALL - You would see it in the report.
CHAIR - Bit late after that. Bit late then, though. Anyway.
Mr FERGUSON - The Economic Regulator in this pricing oversight review that is occurring, the person who occupies that role within the strict parameters of the act needs to be trusted to do their work and can be relied upon. Equally, after the terms of reference are issued, it's at arms-length from me and the Government and non-government members, for that matter, as well. The Economic Regulator, Mr Dimasi, is more than aware of his responsibilities in this area, and I'd have to be very cautious about talking about his role too much, or talking about the inquiry or what any of us might hope that it contains. It is to be objective and at arms-length from government.
CHAIR - Do you have any data related to - you may not on that last answer - the number of investigations undertaken by OTER of competitive neutrality complaints? Do you keep reports about that?
Ms CALVERT - We'd know, but I'd have to go back and get that information. We'd certainly have it.
Mr FERGUSON - Is it in OTER's annual report?
Ms CALVERT - My guess is probably. We can come back to you on that.
Mr FERGUSON - We'll take it on notice.
Ms CALVERT - Relatively -
CHAIR - Also pricing investigations are undertaken?
Ms CALVERT - They are on their website.
Mr FERGUSON - We might take that as a single question on notice, if we could.
CHAIR - All right. The other one is interventions taken with regard to the regulation of the electricity supply industry, and water and sewerage services.
Ms CALVERT - If we take them all on notice.
Mr FERGUSON - If you could send those in writing in to me, I will do my best to provide a useful response.
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