Legislative Council, Thursday 27 October 2022
This was a few days ago and things have moved on a bit. Year 10 students have experienced significant disruption in their learning over the past two years related to COVID 19. Students from the Somerset side of the Cam River who attend Burnie High School have been significantly impacted as a result of the recent damage to the Cam River Bridge, with long travel times over a relatively short distance.
Noting that these students have had exams this week, what specific support is being provided to Burnie High School students and their families to ensure students living west of the Cam River who have little choice but to travel at peak travel times can get to their exams on time?
The Department for Education, Children and Young People is working closely with the Department of State Growth to minimise disruptions to learning and to support families. School bus services have been prioritised and families are being encouraged to support students to travel via bus services, as students travelling via these services are experiencing reduced delays.
Free priority bus services are also now operating across the Cam River Bridge and the public is encouraged to use these services if possible while repair works are completed on the bridge. This will help reduce the number of vehicles queueing and it decreases travel times for everyone.
If a student is unable to utilise the bus transport provided or attend school due to the traffic issues, parents and carers are encouraged to contact their school to discuss the options most suitable for their individual circumstances. Where required, schools are working with affected families regarding options to support their child to learn from home. Schools have a range of options for the provision of online or off campus learning. One of the options open to schools and families includes accessing online learning using the Virtual Learning Centre which provides rich learning opportunities suitable for the home environment.
Burnie High School and the Department for Education, Children and Young People are in consultation with TASC regarding contingencies for exams should this be required. Schools have been communicating with families using their existing communication channels. For example, that is via newsletter, social media and other means.
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