Published: 24 May 2024

Legislative Council, Thursday 24 May 2024

Ms FORREST - Mr President, I move briefly on adjournment to make a complaint and ask a question. I chose not to do this during question time because I ran out of time for a start.

I have tried really hard to apply by the request of the Leader's office to send plenty of time for questions. I sent two particular questions through weeks ago. We resent them again last week or early this week and were told they already had them. I sent another one on Monday, a matter of which was somewhat debated downstairs apparently yesterday. One would have thought they could have had an answer. I am going to read those questions out now.

I am going to ask the Leader when I can expect an answer, particularly as most of these have had some weeks to get answers. It is not appropriate, it is not okay, and I should not be forced to put fairly simple questions on the notice paper knowing that we can wait weeks and weeks to get an answer. So the two longest standing questions. I will read:

With regard to community nursing services on the west coast:

(1) What are the current hours of operation of community nursing services in each town of the west coast? What is the number of nurses employed in community nursing services by headcount and FTE?
(2) What is the average waiting time to be seen by a community nurse in each west coast town and what are the numbers of vacancies in this area, if any? What measures or recruiting efforts have been undertaken to address any of these vacant positions?

The other one also relates to health services.

With regard to health services provided at the Rosebery Community Centre:

(1) What services are currently provided at the centre?
(2) What are the operating hours for each of the services?
(3) Does MMG continue to financially support this service and if so, how much money is provided and what services are provided with this funding?
(4) Have any changes been made to service delivery at the centre in the last three years and, if so, what changes have been made and was the community consulted on these changes? and
(5) Are there plans to change the services provided at the centre, and, if so, what changes are planned and what community consultation is planned to inform any change?

And this one, and I certainly hope I can get an answer out of session on this one and then have it tabled in three weeks. Apparently, the principle of the matter was debated in the House of Assembly yesterday, which I did not know about until I checked Hansard this morning.

With regard to the contract with economist Saul Eslake to provide a report on the state's finances further to an agreement between the Premier and parliamentary members of the Jacqui Lambie Network:

(1) Who are the parties to the contract?
(2) To whom will the report be provided?
(3) When will the report be provided?
(4) And subject to the answer to above, will the report be released publicly?
(5) Will the report be tabled in parliament and will the government respond to any issues raised or recommendations made, and, if so, how will the government respond?

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