Published: 16 November 2022

Legislative Council, Wednesday 16 November 2022


1 Will the Government provide the requested $150k for the West Coast Council to develop a housing plan for the West Coast; and
a. If so, when?

2 Will higher density, apartment living be supported in these communities;

3 Will the Board of Homes Tasmania be tasked, as a matter of urgency, with fully assessing and understanding the housing needs of:

a. cyclical economies;
b. remote area needs; and
c. ‘build to rent’ on long term leases to mining companies or other sectors needing worker accommodation?


1 The Tasmanian Government is currently developing a 20-Year Housing Strategy for Tasmania. The West Coast Council has made a submission to the Discussion Paper which will help inform the Strategy. The new Homes Tasmania Board, which will begin operation on 1 December, will also consider proposals such as these, informed by the strategic work currently being undertaken to inform the 20 Year Housing Strategy.
The Office of the Coordinator-General and Department of State Growth have also been working with local governments and a not-for-profit housing provider to identify opportunities and the best models for the establishment of long-term workforce accommodation in regional Tasmania.

2 Increasing the supply of higher density dwellings, including infill development in existing urban areas, is critical to ensuring there is sufficient supply of secure and affordable housing to meet both current and future demand across Tasmania.
The Tasmanian Housing Strategy, and its associated Action Plan, will promote new and innovative ways to deliver required housing supply, which will include an increase in higher density, apartment-style living where appropriate.

3 Homes Tasmania is due to commence operations on 1 December 2022. The Homes Tasmania Board will be tasked with addressing Tasmania’s housing challenges, include currently pressing issues such as key worker accommodation in regional and remote communities. While solutions will need to be developed with input from affected communities to fully understand their housing needs, including the West Coast, options are expected to include ‘build to rent’ models and collaboration with key sectors, such as mining on the West Coast.


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