Published: 08 November 2022

Legislative Council, Tuesday 8 November 2022


With regard to renewable energy expansion in Tasmania and offshore:

1. Will the government commit to legislated renewable energy zones;
If yes,
a. when will this important legislation be progressed; and
b. Who and/or which stakeholder groups will be consulted?

2. If not, particularly in view of strong support for such legislative certainty, why not?


As part of the implementation of the Government’s Renewable Energy Coordination Framework, work is being progressed to support the establishment of Tasmania’s first Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).

In June 2022, Renewables, Climate and Future Industries Tasmania (ReCFIT) was appointed as the Renewable Energy Zone Coordinator. In performing this function ReCFIT is leading the process to identify Tasmania’s first REZ and to consider the framework for its establishment. TasNetworks has been appointed to undertake the detailed technical role of REZ Planner.

Consultation is a key component in determining and implementing Tasmania’s first REZ. This involves multiple stages which will enable local issues to be considered in the strategic planning process.

Tasmania is the first jurisdiction in Australia to undertake consultation prior to announcing its first REZ. This process is currently underway with a range of stakeholder groups identified to ensure that REZ developments will meet the needs, desires and expectations of communities. These groups include community organisations, local government, key interest groups, the Aboriginal community, environmental groups, key energy market bodies and renewable energy proponents.

The National Electricity Law/National Electricity Rules (NER) provides a national framework for the delivery of REZ linked to the Australian Energy Market Operator’s Integrated System Plan which provides the National Energy Market’s whole of system roadmap. The national REZ framework involves the publication of detailed REZ Design Reports which are prepared following extensive public consultation. Other jurisdictions like NSW have implemented bespoke legislative models to deliver REZ that involve the legislation of specific geographic REZ.

Tasmania is considering both approaches as it leads towards a REZ announcement in December 2022.

The legislated framework for offshore wind developments is provided for by the Commonwealth Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 which commenced in June 2022. Under this Act the federal Minister for Energy is responsible for declaring areas suitable for offshore infrastructure development.

In August 2022 the Federal Energy Minister announced a proposed offshore wind zone for the Bass Strait region

The Commonwealth Government will announce further details around their public consultation process for the proposed Bass Strait offshore wind energy zone in Tasmania.



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