Published: 26 October 2022

Legislative Council, Tuesday 25 October 2022


With regard to health and ambulance services on King Island:

(1) Does the model used by UK company, Operational Research and Health, to inform Ambulance Tasmania's decision-making regarding the level of ambulance services from volunteer-only stations to single branch, double branch and career stations, consider the unique and often challenging circumstances experienced by ambulance volunteers living in isolated and remote communities, including King Island and Flinders Island?

If not, does the minister believe specific consideration should be given to the level of ambulance services provided on King Island and Flinders Island?

(2) Will the Premier consider the employment of a paramedic practitioner on King Island to work across the THS ambulance services and other community health services on King Island? If so, when is this likely to be considered and/or progressed?


(1) Operational Research in Health (ORH) is currently undertaking work to develop a 10-year Ambulance Tasmania ambulance station and service delivery master plan. The development of the master plan includes all Ambulance Tasmania stations and emergency medical services, which encompasses volunteer stations and community emergency response teams or CERTs. This includes King and Flinders islands.

(2) The ORH master plan is looking at the type of ambulance services that are provided to better meet the medical needs of communities across Tasmania. The modelling work includes the recently introduced community paramedic roles. Community paramedics are provided with additional training in assessment and provide a primary health care focus. Community paramedics are currently employed in Burnie, Launceston and Hobart. The ORH master plan will consider service delivery in rural and more remote areas where the community paramedic role may be of increased benefit to those communities. The minister is advised that the master plan is expected to be provided by the end of the year.


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