Published: 25 March 2020

Legislative Council Wednesday 25 March, 2020


As the contract between Hydro Tasmania of Bass Link is over half way through the 25 year term;
1. Has Hydro Tasmania assessed the financial and other costs and benefits to Hydro Tasmania of Bass Link since the commencement of Bass Link’s operation;

a. If so, please provide details of the costs and benefits of Bass Link to Hydro Tasmania and Tasmania;
b. If not, does Hydro Tasmania believe there is a benefit of this work being done to assist in informing the costs and benefits of the proposed Marinus interconnector;

2. Has the Government assessed the financial and other costs and benefits to Tasmania of Bass Link since the commencement of Bass Link’s operation;
a. If so, please provide details of the costs and benefits of Bass Link to Tasmania;
b. If not, does the Government believe there is a benefit of this work being done to assist in informing the costs and benefits of the proposed Marinus interconnector?


Q1 & 2
(a) Yes. The Electricity Expert Panel established by the Tasmanian Parliament in 2010 closely analysed the investment decision to proceed with Basslink. This also included a cost benefit analysis of Basslink’s initial period of operation. Hydro Tasmania also undertook analysis to inform the Expert Panel’s deliberations.
The Expert Panel Final Report vol 1 found that:

“Basslink has proven to be an effective and cost-efficient means of securing the State’s energy supply during times of drought. It has enabled Tasmanian demand to be met at a materially lower cost to Hydro Tasmania than would have been the case under alternative scenarios.” (page xiii)
Further, the Panel found that:
“With typical hydrological inflows, Hydro Tasmania has been able to more than meet its Basslink-related costs from opportunities that Basslink brings for trading electricity between Tasmania and Victoria” (page 234) Ibid.
(b) Project Marinus is currently undergoing a comprehensive cost benefit analysis under the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T), a process overseen by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). Project Marinus published its Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) containing detailed cost-benefit analysis in early December 2019.




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