Published: 19 June 2024

Legislative Council, Wednesday 19 June 2024


With regard to health services provided at the Rosebery Community Centre:

(1) What services are currently provided at the centre?

(2) What are the opening hours for each of the services?

(3) Does MMG continue to financially support this service, and if so:

(a) How much funding is provided?

(b) What services are provided with this funding?

(4) Have any changes been made to service delivery at the centre in the last three years, and if so,

(a) What changes have been made?

(b) Was the community consulted on these changes?

(5) Are there plans to change the services provided at the centre, and if so,

(a) When are the changes planned?

(b) What community consultation is planned to inform of any change?


Mr President,

(5) The community services provided at the Rosebery Community Health Centre (RCHC) include: community health nursing; home care service;, management and provision of home care packages; optometrist; podiatrist; obstetrics; and gynaecology. Child health and parenting services are provided by visiting specialists.

(6) Operating hours are Monday to Friday, 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.. The Rosebery Adult Day Centre is held from the RCHC fortnightly on a Wednesday from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.. Ochre Health also provides a private general practitioner service from this site Monday to Friday, 8.00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. In the rural medical services contract for the north-west, Ochre Health provides a 24/7 emergency response for the RCHC.

(7) In the 2023-24 period, MMG is providing $138,600 towards the operation of the RCHC. In addition, staff at the health centre also provide blood testing for MMG staff, which is charged back to MMG based on actual usage.

(8) The Rosebery Community Health Centre, like other services in rural and remote areas across jurisdictions, has faced some staffing and recruitment challenges. The minister has advised that due to these challenges, the operation of the Emergency First Response Unit has been paused. Healthcare management has maintained clear and current communication with all key stakeholders including Ambulance Tasmania, MMG, Henty, Avery and Bluestone Mines.

Ms Forrest - What about the community? Are they a key stakeholder?

Mrs HISCUTT - That might be a question you wish to add.

(9) As per our 100 day plan, we will be working with the West Coast Council on its plan to adapt RCHC to deliver more outreach home and community-based health services across the area.

Ms Forrest - Mr President, on that question, (5)b was not answered: what community consultation is planned? This is all about the community. Maybe the Leader might like to take that one back.

Mrs HISCUTT - I will resubmit that for you.

Legislative Council, Thursday 20 June 2024 


A follow-up from the member for Murchison yesterday. With consultation, you asked a supplementary question, so I am advised the independent consultants, KP Health, have been engaged to review the functions and services to be provided by the Rosebery Community Health Centre. The review includes consultation with the Rosebery community about its health needs and how the centre can meet these needs now and into the future. The input from the community as part of the review is vital in informing the determination of the most appropriate service model.

The department expects the review will be completed in the coming months with the findings and recommendations from the review to then be considered by the department.

Ms FORREST I appreciate the Leader getting back to me with that, because this is a really critical part of that question. Thank you for that.


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