Published: 30 March 2023

Legilsative Council, Thursday 30 March 2023

Ms FORREST asked the Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, Ms PALMER

With regard to the welcome announcement of expansion of PTAS assistance for residents on the Bass Strait Islands:

1 For Island residents who need to stay “off island” for an extended period who will also be eligible to receive a subsidised trip home after four weeks of continuous treatment;

(a) How does this differ from current arrangements;
(b) How is continuous treatment defined, for example does the person need to be an inpatient for this duration;
(c) Are there any conditions that apply to this welcome addition of financial support; and
(d) Does this also apply to another person who needs to travel with the patient such as their carer;

2 Noting the planned introduction of taxi vouchers for those who need to fly or take the Spirit of Tasmania to access eligible clinical services;
(a) When will this be commenced;
(b) How will the vouchers be distributed and/or accessed;
(c) What is the eligibility criteria?

1 Residents from King Island and the Furneaux Group Islands who are eligible for support under the Patient Transport Assistance Scheme and are required to stay for an extended period of treatment, are eligible for support for one return trip home after every four continuous weeks of treatment.

Previously, patients were required to be away for six weeks before being eligible for this support and were only able to access one return trip home for the treatment schedule regardless of its duration. These changes also cover approved support people travelling with patients.

The treatment period is determined by the treating clinician. It is expected that residents of King Island and the Furneaux Islands who require chemotherapy and radiation therapy will particularly benefit from this additional support.
Information about eligibility requirements for the Patient Travel Assistance Scheme are available on the Department of Health’s website.

2 The Department of Health are working to implement the provision of Taxi vouchers to approved PTAS clients in coming months. The method of distribution is currently being considered.

This will mean PTAS eligible patients will have the option of receiving a PTAS taxi voucher in advance of travel or claiming reimbursement for eligible taxi expenses. Both the voucher value and reimbursement value will be capped at a set value.

The eligibility criteria are outlined in the PTAS Operational Framework, which is publicly available states:

When a patient and any approved escort is required to travel by air or Bass Strait ferry, they are eligible to receive a taxi subsidy for travel from the airport or terminal to the place of treatment (or accommodation if arriving on a day prior to the day of treatment) and return to the airport or terminal.




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